
Parses an fopen-style mode string such as "r+". All possible mode strings include:

Mode StringMeaning
"wb"Write truncated
"wb+"Read/write truncated
"w+b"Read/write truncated
"wbx"Write new
"wb+x"Read/write new
"w+bx"Read/write new
"rb"Read existing"
"rb+"Read/write existing"
"r+b"Read/write existing"
"ab"Append new"
"ab+"Append/read new"
"a+b"Append/read new"

The _mode strings accepted here differ from those accepted by fopen. Here, file streams are never opened in text _mode -- only binary mode. Text handling functionality is built on top of low-level file streams. It does not make sense to distinguish between text and binary modes here. fopen opens all files in text _mode by default and the flag 'b' must be specified in order to open in binary _mode. Thus, an exception is thrown here if 'b' is omitted in the specified mode string.

Note: It is not advisable to use fopen-style _mode strings. It is better to use one of the predefined file flag configurations such as FileFlags.readExisting for greater readability and intent of meaning.

struct FileFlags
static pure
string mode


static assert(FileFlags("wb")   == FileFlags.writeEmpty);
static assert(FileFlags("wb+")  == FileFlags.readWriteEmpty);
static assert(FileFlags("w+b")  == FileFlags.readWriteEmpty);
static assert(FileFlags("wbx")  == FileFlags.writeNew);
static assert(FileFlags("wb+x") == FileFlags.readWriteNew);
static assert(FileFlags("w+bx") == FileFlags.readWriteNew);
static assert(FileFlags("rb")   == FileFlags.readExisting);
static assert(FileFlags("rb+")  == FileFlags.readWriteExisting);
static assert(FileFlags("r+b")  == FileFlags.readWriteExisting);
static assert(FileFlags("ab")   == FileFlags(Mode.openOrCreate | Mode.append, Access.write));
static assert(FileFlags("ab+")  == FileFlags(Mode.openOrCreate | Mode.append, Access.readWrite));
static assert(FileFlags("a+b")  == FileFlags(Mode.openOrCreate | Mode.append, Access.readWrite));
